

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Beginning on your first day of classes at 北园大学, 你在这里的教育记录受家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)的保护。. Release of your educational records is not allowed without your written consent, 包括对父母, 配偶, 以及其他家庭成员. Examples of educational records include, 但不限于, 你的电话号码, 成绩, 学生计费, 经济援助奖, 纪律记录, and medical treatment records.

Before you arrive to campus, you should discuss privacy expectations with your family, including how you and your family will handle bill payment, access to your student records and information, and how you would like your information handled in the case of an emergency. 如果您希望允许教育记录和信息被释放给家长, 《亚游集团官方网站》, 或者第三方, 请填写 FERPA豁免表格 and return it either via fax to (773) 634-4051, email to or mail to:

芝加哥IL 60625

You can authorize any individual you choose, 并将提供一个四位数的代码,以便他们在打电话询问信息时验证自己的身份. 当家庭成员或第三方要求时,信息可能无法立即获得, based on the access University officials have to your signed student release form. 如果有必要的话, 该官员将安排后续电话或会议,以便遵循信息保护和发布程序.



It’s up to you—and important—to keep your personal information up to date, including your mailing address and phone number. 北园大学将使用这些方法在您作为学生的整个时间内传达重要信息. Choose one of the following methods to review and update your details as needed:

  1. 登录 自助服务. Click on your username in the upper right-hand corner, and then update your information in User Profile.
  2. 完成 更改地址表格 on your computer and email it to 记录.
  3. Complete a 更改地址表格 with the 司法常务官办公室.

您也可以在您的用户资料中选择通过短信单独接收校园紧急通知 自助服务. 了解更多关于 应急程序.


If you wish to change your legal name, 您必须提供法律文件来证明您的合法名称更改(结婚证或驾照复印件)。. 你可以将你的副本,填妥的表格的扫描件和文件副本带到 记录, or mail it along with a Change of Name form to 司法常务官办公室.


亚游集团官方网站社区认识到,它的一些成员使用他们的法定名称以外的名字来识别和指代自己. 大学承认,选择的名字可以而且应该在任何可能的情况下用于大学的业务和教育过程. 大学将尽可能在文件和通信中使用选定名称.

因此, 大学的政策是,个人可以选择在大学的信息系统中显示自己的身份, 中间, and/or last name in addition to the person’s legal name. 双方进一步了解,在大学的交流和报告中,除非需要使用法定姓名,否则应尽可能使用本人选择的姓名. Inappropriate use of the Chosen Name policy, including but not limited to avoiding a legal obligation, 误传, and the use of offensive language, including profanity or language which has the effect of mockery, may be cause for denying the request.

Examples in which legal name will still appear:

  • Enrollment Inquiries and Verifications
  • 金融援助
  • Health, Insurance and Medical Documents and 记录
  • 国际签证状态
  • 官方成绩单
  • 付款/计费
  • Back of ID card (provided you obtain a new one)
  • W-2和其他税单
  • 工资检查和建议
  • Other documents requiring legal name

在北园大学使用任何选定的名称不应以虚假陈述或任何其他非法目的为目的,或违反任何北园大学的政策或标准. Chosen Name is limited to alphabetical characters, hyphens, and spaces (e.g. 无符号). Reverting back to legal name at any time is permitted.

请注意,在大学的信息系统中指定一个选定的名字与通过法院系统和/或其他程序合法更改你的名字是不同的. 在所有与大学相关的系统中,个人的法定名称将保持不变. 希望更改大学记录中的法定姓名的个人可以在注册主任办公室和/或人力资源网页上获取姓名和/或性别更改申请表. 关切或问题应向书记官长和/或人力资源办公室提出.

This policy does not form a contract of any kind and may be modified, 改变了, 改变, by 北园大学 at its discretion. - 2018年7月更新

Name and/or Gender Change Request Form


Some individuals’ gender identities differ from their designated gender at birth. 亚游集团官方网站渴望成为一个欢迎和包容的校园,鼓励尽可能使用准确的性别认同和代词.

任何学生, 校友, 或北园大学的员工可以自由提交姓名和/或性别认同更改表,以确定他们的性别认同和/或首选代词. The 司法常务官办公室 and/or Human Resources, 是适用的, will review the Name and/or Gender Change Form. 如果涉及虚假陈述或亚游集团官方网站的标准/政策或法律可能被牵连或违反,大学保留拒绝任何此类请求或重新评估先前请求的权利.

性别认同只会反映在大学的官方记录中,但可能在自助服务档案中可见, which is accessible only by the individual. 成绩单 and diplomas do not indicate gender identity.

请注意:本政策不构成任何形式的合同,并可能被修改, 改变了, 改变, by 北园大学 at its discretion. - 2018年7月更新

Name and/or Gender Change Request Form

Permanent Address and Dependent Student Status

所有本科生, other than those in the School of Professional Studies, are assumed to be “dependent” students. If you are independent from your parents, 你必须在任何学期开始后的10个日历日内通知北园大学. 所有受供养学生必须保留其父母的地址作为其永久通讯地址.


亚游集团官方网站向所有学生、教职员工发放身份证. You are required to carry your ID card with you when you’re on campus. It will serve as your access card to many places and resources:

Lost, Stolen, or Damaged ID Cards

If your North Park ID is lost, 偷来的, 或损坏, 你必须尽快向注册办公室或校园安全办公室报告. Once reported, the card will be deactivated so it can no longer be used.

Replacements for lost 或损坏 ID cards cost $10. If you find your lost card before purchasing a new one, you can bring it to the 司法常务官办公室 to have it reactivated.